An SME Loan is a form of funding for Small-Medium Enterprises. In essence, it is a business loan structured specifically for medium-small enterprises. These kinds of loans are tailored according to the requirements and needs of SMEs. If you are considering to make an investment in factory infrastructure or perhaps would want to maintain and sustain a healthy flow of cash, an SME Loan would be a smart option to finance your business venture.

Before looking into the different available sources of finance for small and medium-sized enterprises, also known as SMEs, it is important to have a good understanding of what SMEs are, why they are imperative, as well as why it isn’t easy for such enterprises to look for financial sources.

SME – What Is It?

In general, an SME is something bigger than businesses or enterprises that are basically a channel for the owner’s self-employment. An SME isn’t likely to be registered on any stock exchange market and likely owned by a few shareholders. Frequently, most shareholders are from one extended family. Therefore, the word SME extends to a very extensive gamut of businesses.

Why Are They Important?

Since SME touches a very extensive scope of businesses, the sector of SME as a whole is quite crucial to the economies of a lot of nations. While estimates widely differ, SMEs in certain countries most likely make up nearly half of employment as well as half of the income of the nation, making SMEs important and essential.

Because SMEs are rather small, they are frequently more flexible as they are believed to be more accepting and adaptable to innovative technologies and trends making them much faster to transform compared to bigger enterprises and companies. These circumstances are very imperative to any economy. However, for several flourishing SMEs, bigger enterprises with plenty of financial resources acquire these SMEs so as to completely maximize the potentials and possibilities of what tat SME has established and developed. In such situation, the sector of SME has delivered a very valuable service because it has aided a much bigger enterprise to innovate as well as maintain its success in the coming future.

Why Is SME Financing Difficult To Raise Or Find?

Many SMEs don’t grow, don’t maximize their potentials as well as miss out on lucrative investment opportunities because of the lack of funding or financial resources. “Financing Gap” or “Funding” is the term used to describe the gap between the SME’s available finances and the funds they can productively make use of.  Below are a few reasons for this gap:

  • Fund supply from investors is limited and the market for the limited supply of investors’ funds is very competitive
  • SMEs suffer from Financing Gap because they are regarded as a less appealing opportunity for investment compared to others because of the great levels of risks and uncertainties they are believed to have. and risk they are perceived to have, such as limited history of raising investment and proof of suitable and high ROIs to their investors, and SMEs frequently only possess a small number of tangible assets to provide as security.
  • Because of the uncertainties and risks, investors become nervous and uncertain of the how their investments will be used and if they are to get a good ROI. This causes investors to reject any investment opportunity in an SME, particularly when there are better available possibilities.